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Spooky Reads 

Spooky (but not too spooky) reads for youth ages 5 -8!

Recommended for ages 5+

BR FIC KEANE - Monster School: First Day Frights by Dave Keene
Norm is just plain normal—until he finds himself in a new school, where all his classmates are monsters! Suddenly Norm isn't normal anymore!

BR FIC SCHWARTZ - In a Dark, Dark Room and other Stories by Alvin Schwartz
Seven scary stories to tell at night in front of a fire or in the dark, based on traditional stories and folktales from various countries. Includes “The Teeth,” “In the Graveyard,” “The Green Ribbon,” “In A Dark, Dark Room,” “The Night It Rained,” “The Pirate,” and “The Ghost of John.”

BR FIC UNDERWOOD - Once Upon a Zombie: Tales for Brave Readers by Deborah Underwood
What is Little Red Zombie carrying in her basket on her way to Grandma's? Are those . . . brains?! What if all the fairytales you know and love where actually zombie-tales? Beware, these stories are only for the bravest of readers!

Recommended for ages 6+

J BETWEEN BRALLIER V.1 - A Walk in the Dark & Other Scary Stories by Max Brallier
A collection of five scary stories, first featuring Jason, sleeping over at his uncle Henry's house, who needs to take a long, dark walk to the bathroom only to find someone is waiting for him inside.
Liked this book? There are 3 more in the series!

J BETWEEN CHABERT V.1 - Eerie Elementary: The School is Alive!  by Jack Chabert
Sam Graves discovers that his elementary school is ALIVE! Sam must defend himself and his fellow students against the evil school! Is Sam up to the challenge? He'll find out soon enough: the class play is just around the corner. Liked this book? There are 9 more in the series!

J BETWEEN MCGEE V.1 - Night Frights: Haunted Mustache by Joe McGee
Fifth-graders Parker and Lucas get more than they bargained for when they seek to debunk one of Wolver Hollow's greatest legends about a haunted mustache that, every year on the anniversary of its owner's death, seeks a lip to claim as its own. 
Liked this book? There are 3 more in the series!

Recommended for ages 7+

J BETWEEN CUMMINGS V.1 BK.1 - Notebook of Doom: Rise of the Balloon Goons by Troy Cummings
Alexander has just moved into Stermont, but the elementary school is being torn down, his new classroom is located in the hospital morgue, a notebook he finds is full of information about monsters--and everywhere he turns there are spooky balloon men determined to attack him.
Liked this book? There are 12 more in the series!

J BETWEEN CUMMINGS V.2 BK.1 - Binder of Doom: Brute-Cake by Troy Cummings
Alexander Bopp is the leader of the Super Secret Monster Patrol, a club whose members are sworn to protect the town from monsters. But there haven't been monsters to fight for months... Alexander misses his best friends -- and fellow club members -- Rip and Nikki. Then he starts finding weird old-timey objects, cake crumbs, and creepy monster cards all over town! Could the monsters be back?
Liked this book? There are 3 more in the series!

J BETWEEN DEEN V.1 - Spooky Sleuths: The Ghost Tree by Natasha Deen
Asim's new town is freaking him out! There are weird noises at night, eerie lights, and now an evil tree that is growing way faster than it should. he's sure there's something supernatural going on. His friend Rokshar believes that everything can be explained by science. But even she's worried when the tree takes control of their teacher! It's starting to look like an evil spirit straight out of Guyanese folklore is to blame. Can Asim and his friends save their teacher--and the town--from the ghost tree?
Liked this book? There are 3 more in the series!

J BETWEEN FORD V.1 - Frightville: Don't Let the Doll In by Mike Ford
When Mara hears about a new store called Frightville, she can't wait to check it out. On its shelves are strange and unusual gifts of all kinds. It's there that she comes face-to-face with Charlotte. But once Charlotte is in the dollhouse, strange things start to happen. Is Mara imagining things, or is this doll actually haunted?
Liked this book? There are 3 more in the series!