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Budget & Levy Information

Current Year Approved Budget

FRPLD - 2024-2025 - Proposed Budget

Measure 20-317

What is the purpose of this local option levy? 

Fern Ridge Library District has placed a levy on the November ballot (Measure 20-317) for $0.35 per $1000 of assessed property value for a term of five years.  These funds would be used for day-to-day library services.

Why does the library need a local-option levy? 

We have a permanent tax base of $0.3824 per $1000 of assessed property value.  This amount only covers 60% of the budget needed to pay for the level of service currently provided.  The remainder of our funds comes from the local-option levy.   Our current levy is for $0.35, so this measure does not propose an increase current tax.

What happens if the levy passes? 

If measure 20-317 passes, the library could operate at current levels for the entirety of the 5-year period of the levy (through June 30, 2026).

What happens if the levy does not pass? 

Service levels would need to be adjusted to accommodate available funding.  If our current levy expires without a new levy to take its place, the library will be able to operate 3 days per week.

How will this affect my taxes? 

The passage of measure 20-317 would not increase current taxes.   

Where can I find more information? 

You can find more information on our website at  Library director Colin Rea is also available to answer questions at 541-935-7512 or at