Budget & Levy Information
Current Year Approved Budget
FRPLD - 2024-2025 - Proposed BudgetMeasure 20-317
Fern Ridge Library District has placed a levy on the November ballot (Measure 20-317) for $0.35 per $1000 of assessed property value for a term of five years. These funds would be used for day-to-day library services.
We have a permanent tax base of $0.3824 per $1000 of assessed property value. This amount only covers 60% of the budget needed to pay for the level of service currently provided. The remainder of our funds comes from the local-option levy. Our current levy is for $0.35, so this measure does not propose an increase current tax.
If measure 20-317 passes, the library could operate at current levels for the entirety of the 5-year period of the levy (through June 30, 2026).
Service levels would need to be adjusted to accommodate available funding. If our current levy expires without a new levy to take its place, the library will be able to operate 3 days per week.
The passage of measure 20-317 would not increase current taxes.
You can find more information on our website at https://frpld.specialdistrict.org. Library director Colin Rea is also available to answer questions at 541-935-7512 or at crea@fernridgelibrary.org